20 January 2008


Dear blog,

I dont know why I felt sudden empty when I write this blog. I felt glad going out today with my twin. We did a lot of stuff today as my twin get the box for her experiment today then we go have a movie in the GSC Cinema. We picked Cloverfield and thought that it was a really nice movie but it turns out to be a lousy movie just like some abstract movie with no explainations. All could be thought is what is the whole movie about. Till the end of the movie, no explainations at all. Just the monsters and people did not survive in the whole scenario.

Hmm, the show explains just like. The whole thing happen at Manhattan where Rob which is the person important to leave for Japan for studies. Jason, Rob's Brother organize a farewell party before Rob leave for Japan. The incident happen right in the middle of the party was going on then the whole thing ended with both Rob and his lover Elizabeth died killed by the monster.

Well, after the show we went to enjoy some cheesecake. It was very nice. Turn out to be, my classmates are working in the shop. Haha. It was kinda funny though of classmate serving you.

Hmm, well after all those Im back home now. I just felt blues writing this post. I felt very tired of living. Everyone's expectation on you is so high and people makes sure that you are an excellent student. I seriously, I dont want to care about anyone anymore except for my twin.

I felt like, Im no longer useful in life....

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