18 January 2008

The Usuals

Hai hai! Umm. Its me! I am back from the undead laying around. So whats up! Oh what happens today? Well, its quite funny and a life experience. Haha. What I gotten into today? Well, I woke up kinda late in the morning. Its around almost 10. I have to meet everyone at 10. Infact, I wash up and read some newspaper before I head to The Actor's Studio which is the meeting place. Quisterous and Ant was there first before I head on there.

It was so funny. I reached there and see both of them waiting right outside TAS. Ant park his car right beside TAS which is an Illegal carpark. So, I just go and make a turn round the place and park right beside him. Ant told me the MPPP enforcer just ride off from the place.

Then we went in, all of us chat chat and chat till Kevyn came along. We continue chatting without realizing the stoopid enforcer come and give us some F*** ticket. It was #%^)@&()&! So I just drove off and park somewhere else. Then after that I straight went home and settle off for some stuff for the Cultural Event on 23rd of February for the Pink Hibiscus Club.

I went out to have lunch with my dad then my twin smsed me. Hmm, then after that I continue watching my favourite anime at the moment to spend sometime. Kaikan Phrase or known as Sensual Phrase. Its about a band name Aucifer. The A is in latin. So it is pronounced as Lucifer. Their songs is nice, but just dont understand why they are disbanded. So, I smsed Quist to check whether where are they. So Quist told me that, they are going back home. There is a miscommunication in between.

During 4pm, I was just annoyed suddenly because of several reasons. So I guess I am alright now. Then as continue, I manage to calm myself down. I found Aucifer's BEATRIP album and Limit Control Album. The songs inside that is very very nice. I still dont understand why they disbanded.

Then as continue, Quist called and ask me where am I. I said I am at home. I didn't know there is such miscommunication. She was waiting for me for quite a long time. I really didn't know somehow I felt the guilt. Well, I guess I have to cool off or otherwise someone might get it.

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