20 March 2008


Dear blog,

Its march! lol. Its so near. Im going to be old soon *>_<* Well, this days my life its very normal and happy and gloomy. I am so glad that my twin is here ^^. Well, this days I was fascinated with MyMiniLife and MyMiniCity. Lol. The MyMiniLife home was one of my dream design house ^^. If next time I would own a house I would paint it the same and design the same. It looks very very nice. *drools*. Pracitically, its fun and nice to play with. Here is my link for MyMiniLife.


Hahaha. I think I must leave now. Kinda busy bit ^^. See ya blog.

1 comment:

Felix Lu said...

Sumire long time never chat with u..
How r u now??
Actually I was very curious..
Which twin are u talking about??
I never know u has a twin..

And thanks for ur comment in my blog..

U put the language into janpanese so it hard for me to know which button to push to post the comment.. hehe