13 April 2010

Who the hell do you think we are?

I am in total angst when I hear this from our friend.
I don’t mind to let our drummer go because he deserves better,
I don’t mind to let you professionals, lectures, or whatever you call yourselves guide him,
But I do give a damn when my drummer refuses to join your group,
And you force him, you play dirty tricks, start being bitchy and talk behind our back,
Saying that our band was total garbage compared to you professionals,
In the band we are like brothers and sisters, having joy and mostly miserable moments together,
You are all alone because you only gather people and treat them as a part as your instrument,
When you don’t need them anymore, you dispose them away just like trash.
When I worked with for you, do you know how much they talked about you behind your back?
How much they gossiped behind your back? How much they loathed the way you handle stuffs?
So stop perturbing.!!!!!!!!


VictorTwoEcho said...

chill chill xD

sumire said...

yo, thanks ^^